The Federal Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish an Appellate Tribunal for the purposes of exercising jurisdiction pursuant to sub-section (2) of Anti dumping Ordinance 2000. Any interested party may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal against :-
(i) an affirmative or a negative final determination by the Commission; and
(ii) any final determination pursuant to a review.
The Appellate Tribunal shall comprise of the following to be appointed by the Federal Government, namely:–
(i) a retired judge of the Supreme Court who shall also be the Chairman of the Appellate Tribunal;
(ii) a person well known for his integrity, expertise and experience in economics with particular reference to international trade related issues; and
(iii)a person well known for his integrity, expertise and experience in matters related to customs law and practice.
The salary allowances and other terms and conditions of services of a person appointed to the Appellate Tribunal shall be such as may be determined by the Federal Government.
Every appeal under sub-section (2) shall be filed within forty-five days from the date of the notice published in newspapers of an affirmative or a negative final determination by the Commission, as the case may be, and shall be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed.