Environmental Protection Tribunal

The Environmental Protection Tribunals were constituted under the Environmental Protection Act, 1997.At present there are four Environmental Protection Tribunals at Lahore, Karachi,Peshawar, Quetta . These are headed by Chairperson (BPS-21) and two Members one Technical (BPS-21) and the other Member Legal (BPS-20). At present Environmental Protection Tribunal, Lahore is fully functional whereas EPTs, Karachi , Peshawar and Quetta are not fully functional mainly due to vacant posts of Members. The Environmental Protection Tribunal is final fact findings authority in cases/issues related to Environment as a whole. Complaints and appeals against the Legal actions of the Environmental Protection Agency are entertained as per Environmental Protection Act, 1997 read with the rules and regulations provided thereunder. The private individuals can also approach the Tribunal seeking relief for their grievances against the alleged polluters. The scope and object for the jurisdiction is laid down in Environmental Protection Act, 1997. Detail is at Annex-I.


The Environmental Protection Tribunal is final fact-findings authority in cases/issues related to environment as a whole. Complaints and appeals against the legal actions of the Environment Protection Agency are entertained as per Environmental Protection Act, 1997 read with the rules and regulations provided thereunder. The private individuals can also approach the Tribunal seeking relief for their grievances against the allege polluters. The scope and object of the jurisdiction is laid down in Environmental Protection Act, 1997.

Non disturbance of Industrial Activity Viz a Viz Implementation of PEPA, 1997.

It is very material to note that Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 the statutory law does not only protect the interest of the Environment but also provides for sustainable economic development on long term basis. It has been carefully monitored by the Environmental Protection Tribunal, Lahore that only alleged polluters should be brought under the operation of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 and healthy industrial activity is encouraged with all means possible. Pakistan is developing country and promotion/development of industry activity is very essential for growth of the national economy, hence, this factory is one of the guiding principle in promotion of the industrial activity. Therefore, protection of the Environment against the alleged polluters without disturbance of industrial activities, is the basic objective of the Tribunal which is being achieved considerably.

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